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.. until the marine let him go. Then he fell to one leg, his bloodied hand clutched to his chest, his breathing growing increasingly ragged.“Did you...learn your lesson, then?” Bosch asked, his voice shining with sweat, his eyes gleaming as he glared down at Lou.Lou managed to smirk. His head lifted up and he showed teeth. “Yeah. Loud. Clear.”Something in Bosch’s face showed he heard the undercurrent of Lou’s words. He turned and he stalked off, his hands clenching and unclenching and clenching. It barely affected me.“What now?” Deb asked the group.Jill was slurring her words just a little when she said, “Hell, we’ve gone this far. I think we should practice making out.”There was another collective gasp from the group, but Glenda said, “I’m in.”I was astonished when Deb and Gina agreed, and not wanting to be the only prude, I agreed as well. “How should we do it?”After tossing around some ideas, they decided that the four of them would draw numbers. Number one and number two would make. I need you to do something for me."I whispered instructions in her ear and sent her, grinning, off to the house."Amy!" I said to her back, "Don't forget what you're supposed to do before entering the house!"She turned, gave a nervous glance at the other two, then at me, and replied, "Yes, sir!"Mai and Jim watched, astounded, as Amy mounted the porch, then stopped to remove her clothes, folding them neatly before entering my home."Where were we?" I asked rhetorically as I returned my attention. “ I think you are too big ya, I can’t do this,” I said trying to turn away with tears I my eyes. He slapped me. It stung. “ I have done all this so that we can finally be together and all you are doing is just not trying” he snapped “ Who the hell do you think you are? I love you lucky, I love you Lakshmi. “This stunned me. I looked at him “ I will be your Lakshmi. I love you too, My bushki. Don’t stop slapping me papa, I am loving it.” I said with tears of joy and lust in my eyes. I took the.
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